Sts tavr guidelines
sts-acc tvt registry of transcatheter aortic valve replacement
sts/acc tvt registry 2019 annual report
sts score
tavr follow-up guidelines
guidelines for standards in cardiac surgery
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sts guidelines
STS Guideline Policies STS Clinical Practice Guidelines are intended to assist physicians and other health care providers in clinical decision-making by Follow Up Guidance During COVID-19 Crisis. The STS/ACC TVT RegistryTM delivers insight into practice patterns and patient outcomes for your transcatheter requirements outlined in the national coverage decisions for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVR). Low risk (STS-PROM <4%, or as estimated by a surgeon or cardiac team). Intervention, TAVI (or TAVR). Comparator, SAVR; medical management or standard
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